We are involved in part of an environmental scheme called the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme (HLS), which rewards farmers for managing hedgerows and field boundaries to produce ideal habitats in which wildlife and flora can flourish.
This has involved us in conservation and planting, enhancing around 30 acres of grass meadows to produce outstanding wildflower meadows and creating small areas of ‘owl pasture’ designed to appeal to small mammals, which in turn attract and sustain a thriving owl population.
Schools and members of the public can visit us for educational open days and see first-hand the work that we do to preserve and maintain our countryside.
We have been involved in countryside stewardship here for the last 20 years, enhancing our hedgerows and pastures. Some of the ground is specifically managed to create wildflower meadows using a mixture of cutting for hay and grazing livestock to achieve this. The results have been quite astonishing and the diversity of wildlife, bird life and insects that have benefited from this is inspiring.
The other parts of the farm are managed to create rich meadows to finish stock and create flavoursome meat. The idea is to farm “in harmony with the countryside”. Hedgerows and shaws are managed to create wildlife corridors and habitats.